132 MONTGOMERY ST, BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003.   ||   (973)680-1522

The God of Fresh Starts

August 18, 2019
For this message, Pastor Nick describes how God is the God of Fresh starts and new beginnings. Young Americans are restless and on the move. Over 25% of young American…
In this message, Pastor Nick teaches on how victory is ours! Winston Churchill said, “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the…

They Call Her Blessed

May 12, 2019
In this Mother's Day message, Pastor Nick talks about what's at the core of that Wife of Nobel Character we read about in Proverbs 31. Happy Mother's Day!

From Palms to the Garden

April 14, 2019
In the week leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus teaches the disciples some important messages. In this message, Pastor Nick breaks down those lessons and how we as…